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Why I changed my baseline

Posted in Accessibility and Content

Every site I build is now mobile friendly by default. In fact, this has been my starting point with every website since mid 2013.

Another change I’ve made to the way I approach almost every site I built is that the content is editable by the website owner by default.

Both of these factors have raised the initial cost of a website, but I’ve found the benefits to this have been enormous to both the client and their website’s visitors.

How it benefits my clients

“How can raising the baseline cost for a website be of benefit to my clients?”, I hear you say. Having been in business for several years, one of the most confusing parts of the process faced by my clients has always been the enormous number of options available.

Let’s run with an example: editing your website’s content. Most people want to be able to edit all of their website’s content. Google wants you to keep your content fresh. Your visitors want to know the information they’re getting from your website is nice and up to date. Your rivals will be pleased if your blog doesn’t cover the latest developments in your industry and theirs does.

Even if you might not want to edit your site right away, there will probably be a point somewhere down the line where it becomes a frustration if you can’t.


Raising the baseline means expectations about the overall cost are realistic. Sure, a website can be thrown together quickly and cheaply, but it’ll be very limited in what you can do with it, will frustrate its visitors and will be difficult to maintain.


Going back to the Apple example, the initial confusion and overload my clients experienced has lowered substantially. The web is still a pretty mysterious and bewildering place for most of them, but taking care of as many options as possible on their behalf has really helped.

How it benefits my clients’ clients

The most important people in this whole website game are the visitors. The website is a tool to achieve a business goal (or several) and you won’t achieve those unless you please the people who are coming to your site.

Another example: mobile friendly by default. The web can be accessed from a whole host of devices. Catering for as many as possible makes your site more accessible. So if your content is laid out differently on small screens it’ll be easier for your visitors to read. Mobile users are a massive factor in considering who will be visiting your website regardless of what you are selling or offering as a website owner.


Raising my baseline offering has meant my clients enjoy the process of designing their website and are even happier with the website when it goes live, since it makes them more money! Of course the starting price is higher, but the benefits far outweigh the costs.

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More resources

Here are a couple more resources for you to enjoy. If that’s not enough, have a look at the full list.

  1. How navigation should work for keyboard users

    The web is a network of pages that are linked together, with those links often grouped in a navigation. Here’s how keyboard users traverse navigation.

  2. How button groups should work for keyboard users

    Menubars, menus, toolbars, and tablists are part of a larger family of ‘button groups’. Here’s how they should behave when using the keyboard.