😅 It’s hard work taking a holiday!
Even the most relaxing holiday is bookended by what feels like more work than normal: making sure everything is in good shape before closing the laptop, then returning to the mountains of emails, and Slack messages. And I took two separate holidays in August…! Don’t worry, though, I still managed to write you an article: An enhancement to accessible responsive tables.
From the archives
This month’s article came after some tinkering with JavaScript; those of you who know me will know that, while I’m pretty hot with HTML and CSS, JavaScript isn’t a particular love of mine. But, for the first time in my career, I actually enjoyed writing it! So much so that there’s a new category on my website!
What other subjects do I write about? Unsurprisingly, accessibility features heavily, but why not have a flick through the the full list of categories to see if there’s something else that tickles your fancy?
Elsewhere on the web
Here are some of the more interesting bits and bobs from around the web that I read or watched during August:
- A handful of reasons JavaScript won’t be available
- Dialog dilemmas and modal mischief
- The infuriating inefficiency of accessibility audits
- Accessibility site AppleVis won’t disappear after all
- Should design systems include problematic components and patterns?
Anyway, I should probably get through some more of those unread messages! See you again at the end of September 📨