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🗓️ Advent calendars at the ready!

We’re officially into the festive season, so presents are being bought, trees are up, and advent calendars have begun to be opened. I’m here to share the article I wrote during November with you: Not all screen reader users are blind.

From the archives

Version 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were released recently, and they have removed the Parsing rule. This means that invalid HTML and ARIA won’t fail WCAG 2.2 as they did in 2.1, as long as they don’t cause any user-facing issues.

And that’s the interesting bit here: things rarely fail only Parsing in WCAG 2.1; they usually fail something else too. Maybe Info and Relationships, maybe Name, Role, Value, or maybe On Input like I covered in my article If HTML and ARIA don’t allow it, it’s probably a bad idea.

Elsewhere on the web

Here are some of the more interesting bits and bobs from around the web that I read during November:

Anyway, I have another myth-busting article nearly ready to go too, so keep an eye on your inbox towards the end of the year, when my next newsletter will land 🎁

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