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👨🏻‍🍳 Cooking with gas*

It has been a good, productive month: our new kitchen is finally finished, and I wrote six blog posts and have four or five solid drafts in the works.

* Actually, we got an induction hob, so strictly speaking, we’re cooking without gas 😄

This month’s posts

I’ve thinking a lot about ‘text-level semantics’ like bold, italics and strikethrough, and how they work with screen readers. Over April I’ve also been playing with some newer Git commands:

  1. Bold and italics aren’t read by screen readers
  2. Cleaner focus outlines with box-decoration-break
  3. Using Git switch to change branches
  4. Git restore to discard changes
  5. The difference between strikethrough and del
  6. Be careful with strikethrough

From the archives

The other day, I was looking at some HTML with a colleague and we were tutting in unison at the (mis)use of some <br /> tags. It reminded me I’d written something on that subject last summer: The right way to use break tags in HTML.

Elsewhere on the web

In no particular order, here are some interesting bits and bobs from around the web that I enjoyed during April:

Anyway, enjoy this month’s reading and I’ll see you again this time next month 👋

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