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The accessibility conversations you want to be having

Posted in Accessibility

For a lot of companies, accessibility conversations centre around achieving a certain level of accessibility; usually that’s something to do with WCAG (the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to a particular version and conformance level.

Where I work there are lots and lots (and lots!) of digital products. All are working hard to achieve a level of accessibility, but the vast majority are not at that baseline WCAG 2.1 AA level of compliance yet.

Last week I was heartened when two separate conversations about two separate products were around the experience of screen reader users, rather than if a screen reader user would actually be able to use the product.

These are the types of accessibility conversations you want to be having!

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More posts

Here are a couple more posts for you to enjoy. If that’s not enough, have a look at the full list.

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    Menubars, menus, toolbars, and tablists are part of a larger family of ‘button groups’. Here’s how they should behave when using the keyboard.

  2. There’s no such thing as ‘menubar navigation’

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