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Fixing Safari’s HTML-only Dark Mode bug

First posted in Accessibility, CSS and HTML; updated 4th November 2021

Aside from the lack of Firefox support, there’s a bug in Safari that makes it difficult to see links in browser’s HTML-only dark mode.

The problem is that the blue colour used for links is the same as that used in Light Mode (#0000ee), which has a 1.99 to 1 contrast ratio against the dark page background #121212. This means it doesn’t meet the AA Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Contrast (Minimum) success criterion (SC).

Chromium browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, etc.) use #9e9eff for links, which is a 7.84 to 1 contrast ratio, satisfying not only Contrast (Minimum), but the level AAA Contrast (Enhanced) SC.

It’s a similar story with visited links, where Safari uses a failing #551a8b (a 1.7 to 1 contrast ratio) and Chromium browsers use an excellent AAA #d0adf0 (a 9.73 to 1 contrast ratio).

Fixing the bug

I want to use <meta name="color-scheme" content="dark light" /> element in my HTML, so the way I’ve implemented it on my website is to add a <style> block to the bottom of each page, before the closing </html> tag (so that it doesn’t block any rendering):

  @supports (color-scheme: dark light) {
    @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      :where(a:link) {color: #9e9eff;}
      :where(a:visited) {color: #d0adf0;}

Aside from increasing the contrast of links and visited links in Dark Mode, using the same colour values as Chrome, this:

  • wraps it all in a @supports at-rule so that the contained styles don’t get used for browsers like Firefox that support prefers-color-scheme but not HTML-only dark mode; #9e9eff and #d0adf0 have low contrast ratios against a white background (2.38 to 1 and 1.92 to 1, respectively)
  • uses the :where pseudo-class which is nice to use for ‘default’ styles since it always has 0 specificity, so doesn’t need any special overrides in the CSS (for example, chaining the pseudo-class in the selector like :link:link {})

I hope the WebKit team fix that bug soon so that I can tidy things up, but in the meantime Safari users with low vision will be able to discern links in Dark Mode when the CSS fails to load.

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