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All I want from WWDC 2024

Posted in Apple

Never mind all the hype around AI, there are only really two things I want Apple to announce as additions to their software offering at this year’s WWDC:

I’ve been using Apple’s built-in password manager for a couple of years now and it has been nothing if not reliable, but every now and then I encounter a hurdle.

Using Shortcuts, I made a fake Passwords app, which comes in handy on iPhone, but on my Mac I launch most apps using Spotlight so I don’t use the fake app on there. What does irk slightly is whenever I’m required to re-log in to a service in Internet Accounts; something like iCloud, my Google account, or an IMAP email account. Because Internet accounts and Passwords both live inside the same app (Settings) I have to:

  1. Open Settings → Passwords on a different device
  2. Copy the password I need (which puts it in my Universal Clipboard)
  3. Paste it into the password field
  4. Back on my other device, get the one-time code and either copy/paste it in similar fashion or just type it in

Not a huge deal, but not very slick. Passwords aren’t a setting, so it’s time Apple moved them into their own stand-alone app.

The good news is that Apple might be granting my wish at this year’s WWDC. Fingers crossed!

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